
"In [news] photographs, the priority seems to be on getting good shots, so to speak, shots of the news moment. And it's a sort of unwillingness to come to terms with what is going on down there in a systematic way. I think photographers sometimes are very short-sighted in looking at causes. They are interested in the more dramatic symptoms of the problem rather than the cause of the problem. There's this sort of refusal to look at patterns. I would opt much more for telling the story with lots of images and text that tries to relate what has been going on in El Salvador with what has been going on in the last 50 years in the world--things like the decline of neo-colonialism and the rise of independent nation-states."-Richard Cross, Photographers of the Vanguard, 1981


"Images were first made to conjure up the appearances of something that was absent. Gradually it became evident that an image could outlast what it represented; it then showed how something or somebody had once looked-- and thus by implication how the subject had once been seen by other people. Later still the specific vision of the image-maker was also recognized as part of the record. An Image became a record of how X had seen Y." -John Berger, Ways of Seeing


