“We can hope to conquer disease…we have only to remember that disease happens to man in order not to lose all hope. Magic brings to drugs and incantation rites innumerable resources for generating a profoundly intense desire for cure. Sigerist has noted that Egyptian medicine probably universalized the Eastern experience of parasitic diseases by combining it with the idea of disease-possession: throwing up worms means being restored to health. Disease enters and leaves man as through a door.” -Georges Canguilhem, The Normal and the Pathological, 1966
“‘Gosh,’ said Walter, looking at all the smoke, ‘what kind of medicine do they make here?’
‘Wonderful medicine,’ the workman replied, ‘for burning throats and itchy eyes.’
Walter started coughing again. ‘I can get you some,’ the man offered.” -Chris Van Allsburg, Just A Dream, 1990